
Terms of Service

Terms of service serve as an electronic record for a contract formed under the IT (Information Technology) act 2000. All the rules made under the IT act 2000 and its amended provisions regarding electronic documents/records in its statutes are bounded by this contract. Therefore, all the terms mentioned hereafter do not require a physical or electronic signature for the agreement.

These terms of service documents are construed according to provisions of rule 3(1) of the information technology rules, 2011, prescribed under the IT act 2000, which requires a website to publish rules and regulations, privacy policy, and user agreement for fair usage.

All the terms legally bind the document between GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd and the user. Terms of use will be enforced upon users' acceptance of the same directly or indirectly in the form of a digital record.

Please read the terms carefully and use the website accordingly. You indicate a clear understanding of service terms and hereby provide consent to the agreement. Please don't use the website if you disagree with the service term. You hereby provide unconditional agreement to GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd according to sections 43a and 72a of the information technology act 2000 and intermediary guidelines of 2011.

These terms are also applied on all the website URLs Ginnitech.com, whether located on desktop, mobile sites, or mobile applications. It is an agreement between the website publishers and guest users or registered users according to the IT act. All the terms of service will be read with privacy policy and other disclaimers along with specific guidelines appearing on the website from time to time.

Part of the agreement

The agreement under the information technology act consists of the following terms and conditions, also known as the “General Terms.” If there are specific terms for the use of individual services, then all the terms will be referred to as “Terms.” The latter shall prevail if there is any general and specific terms conflict.

Interpretation of terms

  • Any reference to a single person includes reference to a multitude of people and vice versa if there is no specific user addressed. Similarly, any regard for a male gender has regard for the female gender and vice versa.
  • Any caption mentioned or headings on the website is not an interpretation of the terms of service.
  • Unless unacceptable to the context, any reference to living human beings will include all his heirs, executors, and permitted assignees. Similarly, any reference to the GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd, unless unacceptable to the context, will consist of all its affiliates, successors, and assignees.

Terms of Acceptance

Your usage of the website ginnitech.com indicates your acceptance of all the terms. The user must be of legal age to use the services and agree to all the terms and conditions.

Fair usage of websites

  • While using the website, you agree to fair usage and do not engage in defaming, abusive, harassing, stalking, and violating the legal rights of other users.
  • You will not publish, post, upload, or distribute inappropriate, defamatory, or inappropriate information on the website.
  • You can’t conduct surveys, contests, or any other scheme on the website.
  • You will not falsify information, proprietary designations, or labels for any resource origins or copyrighted material.
  • You can’t use any type of robot, spider, or automation and algorithms to access, copy or monitor the website.
  • You will not copy, redistribute, repurpose, reverse engineer, reproduce, license, display or perform using the information or content on the website.
  • You will not transfer the services to any other third party.
  • You will not use the data or publish information of other users or your data without our consent.

Illegal activities

You hereby agree to be responsible for the content you share with the services. Further, you agree not to use our services for illegal purposes or for transmission of unlawful materials which hurt religious sentiments, promote racism, contain security risks, or malicious codes. You also agree not to infringe the agreement on intellectual property rights.

Right to modifications

We can modify the terms of services according to the specific business requirements from time to time to ensure a smoother and seamless experience. All the amendments will be communicated through policy pages and we advise user to check policies time to time for updated terms and condition.

User obligations

Users must sign up for an account with our services, fulfilling two basic requirements.

  • Users should provide true and accurate information regarding their organization during the signup process.
  • Maintain and update the information on the service platform to ensure complete transparency.

Administrator rights

Users who create an account with our services will have administrator rights to the information of their organizations stored on websites. You can add, remove, and manage end users in your organization account. If a third-party service represents your organization, ensure a suitable agreement with such services.

Ensure confidentiality of your account password and appoint a competent individual for the administrator role for better management.

Complaints addressal

If we receive a complaint from users against any activities from your organization as a part of the services, we will forward it to your registered email address. You need to respond to such complaints within ten days. Failure to respond within ten days’ time limit will be construed as consent for disclosure of your contact information to the complainant.

Payment terms

We will change our services' pricing, which will be communicated through email. However, it is essential to note that any increase in the fees or charges will not be applicable before your current billing cycle ends. Additionally, you will not be charged for any service if you have not subscribed.

User accounts policy for inactivity

We have the right to remove or terminate services for unpaid user accounts inactive for more than 120 days. For such a scenario, all the account data will be deleted. Further, we will provide communication before termination. So you can take a backup of your data. Here it is essential to note that inactivity for each service will be considered individually.

User data consent & UGC

We respect the data ownership of the content you create or store on the website servers. Further, as per this agreement, you provide consent for GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd to use, license, distribute, reproduce, adapt, modify, publish, or distribute the content created by you. In addition, under our user-generated content policy, you may post content using our services.

However, as it is made public, you will be responsible for any consequences due to data publication. All the data under UGC can be indexed by search engines and accessible to multiple users in the public domain.

So, please refrain from using or publishing sensitive information. Ensure you have consent or authorization if you share copyrighted/copyrightable content on any service platform.

Liability & refund policy

We are not liable for any type of claim or refund in case of your business's consequential, incidental, indirect, or punitive losses. Further, our entire liability concerning the services offered does not exceed post-one-month fees paid by you. So, we are not responsible for such claims if you face interruption, computer failures, or data loss.

There is no active refund policy currently, and changes will be communicated, if any, in the future.

Indemnification & arbitration

You agree to indemnify GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd and its employees, directors, suppliers, or other affiliates from any losses, damages, fines, and costs arising from any claim for services violation or another party’s rights.

In case of dispute or conflict, the terms will be settled under the commercial arbitration rules. The final decision will be of the arbitrator and shall be unappealable. The arbitration will be conducted in the jurisdiction where GRK Info Services Pvt Ltd is located, and the arbitration judgment may be entered in a court of jurisdiction thereof.

Further, if you have any doubt or questions regarding this agreement, reach out to our team.

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